General Skin Care

Chris Klueh, Retinol, skincare, Sunblock, Vitamin C Comments Off

The most frequently asked question in our office is, “What is a good regimen for the daily care of my skin?”

The skin care nurses at Pellé believe that all patients benefit from using three core products: Vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid), sunblock and a Retinol or Retin-A. Each product contributes greatly to one’s skin health. Here’s how:

1) Vitamin C Serum
This serum should be used every morning to protect the skin barrier from free radicals such as solar damage-UV radiation, pollutants, smoke, etc.

This potent anti-oxidant stops free radicals before they touch the cell or cause damage inside the cell. Vitamin C has been clinically proven to stimulate and increase collagen synthesis and is effective against reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.


2) Sunblock
We encourage the use of sunblock everyday, January through January, and on cloudy, rainy and snowy days. Sunblock used daily protects against UVB rays; the shorter, burning rays as well as UVA rays which are the deeply penetrating, longer waves, that cause skin cancer including melanoma.

Pellé sells only sunblocks, which contain zinc oxide, titanium dioxide or both. These are physical ingredients that are not absorbed into the skin. The ultraviolet rays are absorbed into the sunblock or reflected away from the skin, protecting you from UVB and UVA Rays. In contrast, sunscreens are made up of chemical ingredients that are absorbed into the skin which merely filter the rays rather than blocking them.

Physical blocks, because they are not absorbed into the skin, are nonirritating and hypoallergenic. Both zinc oxide and titanium dioxide are non-comedogenic, which means they do not produce or aggravate acne. Zinc oxide is also a wound healing substance. Pelle’s sunblocks contain vital ingredients such as anti-oxidants, vitamins, enzymes and essential moisturizers that not only hydrate but also help to retain moisture at a level far below OTC products.


3) Retinol or Retin-A
Both retinol and Retin-A are retinoids, however we prescribe one or the other depending your skin’s sensivity. They are both made from Vitamin A and promote faster skin cell turnover. Retinoids are some of the most proven, effective and powerful options for treating skin issues ranging from acne to signs of aging.

Prescription level retinoids such as Retin-A contain “tretinoin.” This active ingredient prevents the buildup of dead cells in the skin’s pores and follicles, and promotes the growth of healthy cells. The downside is dryness, redness, irritation and skin peeling. Pellé’s skin care patients are instructed how to use Retin-A effectively, so as not to incur irritating skin reactions.

Over-the-counter products, containing “retinols” are much weaker than prescription retinoids. Retinols are ideal for treating very sensitive skin, and will leave the skin feeling smoother and look healthier than if not used at all.

At Pellé, each patient completes an information form in order to tailor a skincare program that is just right for him or her. It is imperative that we know our patients in order to design a skin care program specifically for their needs and skin issues. We suggest the three core products to get each client started, but also encourage our patients to consider a full medical grade skin regimen for the healthiest and best looking results.

To get started on your healthier skin, schedule your appointment today!


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